by Sean Cull | Jul 29, 2009 | General Blog |
It has taken a long time for me to become a convert to Twitter but three examples in the last few days have shown me how powerful it is. 1) Suppliers on Twitter Our web site went down. The nameservers were not reachable and the supplier had no error...
by Sean Cull | Jul 28, 2009 | Dev Tips |
Let me start by saying that Xpages is really cool and very powerful. It has absolutely captured the enthusiasm of the Lotus developers Community ( don’t worry admins you have DAOS ) and it has great potential. But… should you start using it YET ? The key...
by Sean Cull | Jul 28, 2009 | Dev Tips |
Warning : this is a case of the blind leading the blind UPDATE : Declans blog explains that you need to use F2 to change the element name Quite possibly ignore the rest of this ! When you rename a custom...
by Sean Cull | Jul 22, 2009 | Dev Tips |
Back in 2000 I went from being an industrial Engineer to running my own small company providing Notes / Domino solutions to other Engineers. I was very lucky and found something that I was good at, enjoyed a lot and which people wanted to pay for. Over the last nine...
by Sean Cull | Jul 20, 2009 | Dev Tips |
During a recent Proof of Concept with XPages I was struggling to get fusion charts to work with Xpages so I thought I should write down what I learned. To be honest there is really only one tip that is specific to Xpages but the Fusion Charts bits was useful learning...