by Sean Cull | Feb 16, 2016 | Assets Module, Assets Module Blog |
Think of Wikipedia but with a secure page for each pump, centrifuge, vessel etc. that you operate. Now imagine all of the knowledge that you have in your organisation about these assets consolidated onto a single page per item – Root Cause Reports, Maintenance...
by Sean Cull | Feb 16, 2016 | MOC Module Blog, MOC Module |
Hello, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our Management of Change Application for Process Safety Application. We are “Engineers who develop Applications for Engineers” and this application has been developed over many years based on...
by Sean Cull | Feb 1, 2016 | Dev Tips, Admin Tips |
The bug reported by David Leedy appears to be affecting our users significantly. Are your users reporting screen freezes in XPage applications in Chrome ? If so please “star” this bug ( top left corner ) to raise its profile. Even if you are worried that...