by Sean Cull | Dec 29, 2020 | MOC Module, MOC Module Case Study |
Case Study : Management of Change for Process Safety at PX 1. The Challenge PX Ltd manage the operations and maintenance of the Fellside 188 MW CHP plant providing critical process steam and electricity to the adjacent Sellafield nuclear reprocessing facility. PX...
by Sean Cull | Dec 29, 2020 | Dev Tips |
Displaying Markdown in an XPage using the showdown.js library I wanted to move to a text based changelog in our applications rather than a Notes form or even an XPage.The idea was that it would help make it easier to deal with merge conflicts in source control. I...
by Sean Cull | Dec 29, 2020 | Dev Tips |
Adding a new column to an Excel XML data table We use XML feeds from our Domino applications to pull data into Excel. Users can right click on the data tables and they get updated from Domino. The functionality generally works well but if you need to add a new...
by Sean Cull | Dec 29, 2020 | Dev Tips |
How we use XPages Cameron, Jesse and Paul have been putting a lot of effort into explaining how they use XPages and it has prompted me to post this on how we at FoCul use XPages, something I have been meaning to do for a while. I will hopefully post more about why we...
by Sean Cull | Dec 29, 2020 | MOC Module Case Study, Products, MOC Module |
PX / Sellafield PSM Management of Change for Process Safety Case Study PX / Sellafield PSM Management of Change for Process Safety Case Study 1. The Challenge PX Ltd manage the operations and maintenance of the Fellside 188 MW CHP plant providing critical process...