Well done IBM, Notes 85 has been released today. I down loaded the server install ( 600Mb ) in about ten minutes and had the server up and running in another 20 minutes plus a reboot. It will take more work to convert the ODS etc.. but I can do that later on this server.
There was a problem down loading the quick start files but hopefully this will be sorted soon
The user clients are also there but I can’t see the designer client. Once that is released ( any ideas anyone ? ) then I will be looking to switch to 8.5 for my main client.
I would also like to try using a linux desktop on VMware but this seems to be a bit fraught. I tried to install Ubuntu ( I know its not supported for Notes ) and had to do some mods to get the networking and the VMware tools to work – not sure how it will go with Notes 8.5 – will post when I know more.