FoCul recently carried out a customer survey with Cynara Livera at Clearly, Simply, Truly. The results of the survey were fantastic with a response rate of over 80% and overwhelmingly positive feedback.
The thing that our clients valued most was our ability to understand their needs and our ability to work with them to deliver solutions that exceeded their expectations. Some of the feedback is listed below.
Other themes included :
- our deep technical knowledge
- our industry experience
- our ability to deliver projects in a flexible way
- our value for money
- our responsiveness
- our honesty
We have been working very hard over the last 2 years to improve our breadth of service and to implement an agile development methodology based on the Atlassian Jira platform and GIT source control. This feedback is great confirmation that our efforts have been very successful.
“Response was first class.”
“FoCul not only have the technical knowledge but have a good understanding of what the end user needs.”
“FoCul made sue the application worked and was robust. They dissuaded us of some ideas which looked good on paper but they felt wouldn’t work in practice – we appreciated that.”
“FoCul were very flexible. Get a group of people together and ask them what they want and they’ll come up with ideas. Once it’s translated into a software solution, though they don’t quite like it. FoCul reacted very well to this and helped get the solution needed.”
“After the project was finished, they didn’t just walk away”
“FoCul could do it all – timescales, costs and functionality.”
“FoCul started the project with a clear plan and process in place. There were regular catch up calls and it was visible who was in charge of the next actions.”
“FoCul’s has good insight into manufacturing chemicals operations – the ability to ask the right questions to better inform the scope of the project worked well. Proposals were timely which helped making decisions.”
“I’d give FoCul 8 out of 10 for value for money. They were always very customer focused when it came to support after the project had been completed.”
“FoCul is the right size to enable personal relationships and as a company we like to deal with personable individuals.”
“FoCul understood the nature of the problem. They are Lotus Notes experts and articulated the solution well.”
“FoCul took the engineers process/base specification and translated it into a workable set of tasks to make a workable solution – they did that very well.”
“Compared with other I.T. work, I’d give FoCul 8 or 9 out of ten for value for money. The smaller projects can be very expensive from other I.T. solution providers.”
If you are interested in working with us to solve your problems please do not hesitate to contact us.