Why use the FoCul Logistics module?
The Focul Logistics module is an application that allows multiple teams to share information and work together to ensure that goods arrive and leave site in an organised fashion. The module allows information to be shared across multiple teams in a controlled fashion so that it is easy to see, easy to change ( where authorised ) and easy to add to.
The module integrates closely with the Operations module but it can also be used as a standalone system.

FoCul are always keen to help and support. They are experts and articulated the solution well.
What will the Logistics module bring to your business?
Shared Calendar
The calendar view shows when deliveries are due and can be colour coded by product type. The daily view is typically displayed on a large monitor in the control room and the weekly view is the preferred view for the Logistics/S&OP team. Clicking on an entry on the calendar opens the associated records
Flexible delivery schedules
An authorised person ( typically the Logistics / S&OP team ) can simply drag the delivery from one slot to another. This updates all associated information in the module and keeps an audit trail to show who made the change
Configurable Forms
To help teams working together and share information, data can be collected on simple forms which can be easily changed over time. For example, if there is a safety initiative on PPE then collecting some information on PPE can be easily added to the delivery paperwork
Capturing Written Notes
Although much information is now electronic there may be occasions where paper is still required. The application supports the use of paper forms by providing simple schemes to attach scans or photographs of documents
Dashboards and Reporting
Dashboards are used to display performance. Users can click on these dashboards to open the underlying data. The application also integrates with Excel to automatically generate configurable charts and tables