Why use our Assets module?
The FoCul Assets module is a powerful application that make it easy to share rich asset information across the asset management and operations teams. It can be used to compliment your maintenance management system (CMMS) or you can use the optional FoCul CMMS module.
While CMMS applications are good for managing discrete maintenance activities they often fail to manage the knowledge and processes that underpin asset management in the process industries, for example; root cause investigations, asset life plans, spend maps, detailed inspection reports, risk assessments etc.
The Assets module will help your businesses implement an effective asset integrity management programme in order to extend asset life. It harnesses knowledge so that employees responsible for asset management can make efficient and informed asset management decisions.
“FoCul’s key strength is in understanding our manufacturing environment and translating our needs into solutions that really do reduce costs and improve control.”
What will the Assets module bring to your business?
Full equipment history
Every equipment item has associated information stored against it so that is it easily accessible by anyone needing to contribute or find information. The type of information stored is highly configurable, for example, downtime records, work orders, condition monitoring, inspection reports, vendor brochures, root cause analysis
Powerful interrogation and reporting
Trend KPIs including spend, maintenance and production risk by site, plant or equipment owner. Interrogate data by equipment class or record type to gain deeper insight into the behaviour of particular types of equipment. For example, identify common failure modes across all centrifuges
Add your own forms and checklists
As well as pre-built templates, which include root cause analysis, risk based maintenance and asset management plans, new forms and checklists can be built. As an example if a site wanted to carry out a motor survey with specific questions a form could be quickly created and added as an option on all motors
Action Management
Actions as a result from information stored in the system can be efficiently tracked and managed. An example is actions resulting from root cause analysis or failure reports
Spend Mapping
Future spend can be forecast by creating activities with nominal dates and values. These activities are aggregated into dashboards displaying spend over time. When used in conjunction with an asset life plans this forecast is very powerful
Third Party Integration
Asset Wiki can pull data in from third party systems to overcome barriers that limit access. Examples of this are condition monitoring logs held by a third party, or CMMS data where access is restricted due to licensing
Case Studies
Case Study: ABB Inspection Application
ABB is Accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and uses the FoCul Asset Wiki application to share the inspection schemes and reports with their customers
Product related blog posts
Imagine Wikipedia for your own Assets – Asset Wiki
Think of Wikipedia but with a secure page for each pump, centrifuge, vessel etc. that you operate. Now imagine all of the knowledge that you have in your organisation about these assets consolidated onto a single page per item – Root Cause Reports, Maintenance...