Juts a quick post to mention Amazon workspaces.
We have been migrating 20 years of Notes data to a new XPages application and needed to PDF over 200k documents in the process. To do this we needed to run several Notes clients continuously for several weeks to create the PDFs.
We started by using Azure VMs and Windows Server 2008 images but these were expensive and seemed to lack grunt. We then started to use Amazon Workspaces and these were more affordable and seemed to run better. We are using the Performance bundles @USD60 per month all in.  Just be careful though as the same bundle billed by the hour is over $400USD per month.
Amazon Workplace is also based on Server 2008 R2 but Notes will run happily on this.
After we installed all that we needed we created a bespoke image and then a bespoke bundle which allowed further new workspaces to be deployed in about 5 minutes.
You connect to the workspace with a dedicated remote client but it is more responsive that the Microsoft Remote Desktop and works very well.
We had previously used Azure to host pre-configured Emergency Desktops as a contingency for broken or stolen laptops for remote workers but we will be using the Amazon Workspaces instead from now on.