If there is a better way to do this then please tell me 🙂
iNotes users have previously logged into a Domino server called inotes.acme.com. They always used HTTPS. The new domian for the server is email.biggeracme.com
So when users hit https://inotes.acme.com we want to give them a message and a hyper link saying “in future please use http://email@biggeracme.com”
Now if they were using http as opposed to https you could use a domino internet sites redirect rule that took users to a page with this message.
But because they are using the HTTPS protocol and there is only a single IP address for the server redirects do not work in this way.
Domino, as far as I understand, latches onto the first SSL enabled internet site document that it finds.
So… being a developer I hacked the Domino Web Access Redirect login form so that it uses a different sub form depending on the url
Users going to https://inotes.acme.com get this
Whereas users going to https://email.biggeracme.com get this
The trick was to add an extra field to the DWALoginForm form in iwaredir.nsf as shown below. This uses the cgi variables and captures the domain name.
So when the domain name contains inotes.acme.com the subform “message” is presented otherwise the standard subform is presented.