Andrews Presentation at BLUG

My colleague Andrew Champion is doing a presentation at BLUG on Friday about his journey from being a Notes Developer to being and XPage developer. I am helping out but it is very much about Andrews personal journey and his advice to other Notes developers who are...

Please don’t be shy at Lotusphere

Can I ask all  of you who are lucky enough to be at Lotusphere one favour ? Please don’t be shy. We are all customers of IBM, we pay them hard earned money so that we can use their products and services. They are also genuinely interested in our views about...

Speaking at ILUG 2010

I am very pleased to be speaking at ILUG 2010 in Belfast next week, I will be presenting a case study on a project that I have been working on with ABB for the last 8 years. I think that it is an excellent example of how Notes can be used to deliver real sustained...