I have just finished recording a video on Installing a Domino Sandbox on Linux for David Leedy at Notes in 9.

Update : David has now posted the video

The video should be posted in the next week or so. I have pitched it at developers with no experience of Linux and perhaps not much experience on Domino installs.

I would normally recommend Red Hat Enterprise Linux but on this occasion I used CentOS because I wanted to provide the easiest possible path to a developer wanting to deploy a Domino sandbox.

Note that CentOS is not a supported platform and you will not be able to raise issues with IBM.

I also wanted to post the video because it includes a tip from Daniel Nashed that makes it possible to install Domino on 64 bit RHEL 6.x . The Domino install requires 32 bit libraries which I found next to impossible to install. Daniel suggested adding the following line to the etc/yum.conf file and it works a treat :


The steps required are set out below, I will update this article with a link to the video when it is published.

Thanks again to David Leedy for the encouragement.

Cheat Sheet –  Installing Domino 8.5.3 UP1 FP3 on CentOS / RHEL 6.3 64 bit

Produced by Sean Cull – http://www.seancull.co.uk / http://www.focul.net
Please see blog post at http://seancull.co.uk/cheatsheets/linux

**** This install is for a developer sandbox within a firewall.
**** It is not a hardened production server
**** No warranty of any kind whatsoever is provided

MAC users will want to use alternatives to Putty and WinSCP

A real or virtual server with a minimal CentOS 6.x ( not supported by IBM ) or RHEL 6.x installed and the network configured

Once the OS is installed log in using Putty or similar
Makes copy / paste easier and is generally nicer

RHEL ONLY – Subscribe to RHEL updates

subscription-manager register
subscription-manager subscribe –auto

Update OS

yum update

Modify yum settings to retrieve 32bit dependencies for Domino
Use WinSCP as root

modify the file /etc/yum.conf to include multilib_policy=all

Install some useful utilities

yum install wget
yum install ntpdate
yum install system-config-net*
yum install system-config-firewall*

Disable Firewall


Change Network setting if required


Check if a mail server is running

netstat -t -a | grep LISTEN

Check what services start at boot


disable sendmail

chkconfig –del sendmail

Install dependencies required by Domino

yum install perl glibc libgcc libXtst libXmu libXp libXft libXi libstdc++

Create a user and group called notes
Set password for this user

sudo useradd -m notes  
sudo passwd notes

create a temporary folder for Notes installs
Give them short sensible names first

mkdir /tmp/dom_installs

upload install files to /tmp/dom_installs using WinsCP program or similar

Change to the temporary folder

cd /tmp/dom_installs

unpack the domino install
this bit was missing from the video
tar -xvf dom_install_filename.tar

start the domino install

Accept the licence ( you should have one ) and all of the default responses except  :

“Server Setup”  should be [2] – Remote

Launch the IBM Remote Server Setup Client
This is an OPTIONAL install as part of the Notes Administrator Client
It can be found Lotus Applications Folder ( Start > All Applications > Lotus Application )

Finish the installation taking care to download the id files to windows
Make sure the HTTP server is selected
Deselect “Prohibit Anonymous Access”

Stop the listener task

Start the Domino server

change to Notes user

su notes

change to Notes Data Directory


start the server


Browse to the URL and confirm the server is working
You should see the help files

Shutdown the server and install UP1 and FP3

Shutdown by typing quit

change back to root


change back to the install folder

cd /tmp/dom_installs

tar -xvf fp3.tar   ( or whatever you have called it )
cd linux/domino
cd /tmp/dom_installs

remove directory

rm -rf /tmp/dom_installs/linux

remove the install folder

cd /tmp
rm -rf /tmp/dom_installs

Install Daniel Nashed’s Startup and shutdown scripts
Thank you Daniel

Using WinSCP drop the 2 files into the locations in the readme
as root ….

cd /opt/ibm/lotus
chmod 755 rc_domino_script
cd /etc/init.d
chmod 755 rc_domino
Add Domino to the startup sequence

chkconfig –add rc_domino

Domino will now start and stop gracefully with the server.
The following commands are also available ( plus others )

/etc/init.d/rc_domino start live
/etc/init.d/rc_domino stop
/etc/init.d/rc_domino monitor

Change ULimit Settings to stop warnings in console
Use WinSCP as root

edit /etc/security/limits.conf to include the following lines
notes soft nofile 20000
notes hard nofile 49152

Notes.ini settings

Some useful Linux commands
Ifconfig          IP address report
df –h                Disc space report
top                Resource usage report
netstat -tup netstat -t -a | grep LISTEN         List active connections to/from system
chkconfig        list services started at bootup
iptables -L -n -v          List firewall rules
rm -rf directory        delete a directory with files included
su notes        switch to the notes user

Update : SMTP troubleshooting

Some people have found that the Postfix smtp server was installed and is hogging Port 25
This is not showing up in the TCP check above
Disable this using chkconfig –del postfix