We have been working on a big project for some time and were ready to merge our “develop branch” into our master branch – see a here for the model we are trying to use.
We use SourceTree from Atlassian which is very good normally but on this occasion we just couldn’t get it to resolve the design conflicts ( every item in this case ) – 2 of us for 2 hours trying everything.
In this particular case we knew that we wanted to use ALL of the design elements from “Develop” and none from “master”
In the end we resorted to the command line and did it in 30 seconds with some help from Stack Overflow – judging by the 394 up votes we were not alone.
>git checkout Develop ( the capital D has caused us untold grief in this project )
>git merge -s ours master
>git checkout master
>git merge Develop
Voila – it was done. Martin Jinoch will be smiling to himself, he loves the command line every time.
And here is the result – a labour of love in a single picture 🙂
**yes we know there are things we should have done better now that we have committed to this project over 300 times – thats why I will eventually put our learning here – http://focul.net/sourcecontrol