I installed Noteshound 7.1.0 on my machine yesterday with Notes 8.0.2. when I went to restart Notes it wouldn’t work. Worse still a standard un-install and re-install didn’t work either so I had to go and delete the folders manually – all in all I lost a couple of hours of work time.
I put in a support request to Noteshound and Ken Haggmann came back very quickly this morning. After some troubleshooting he deduced that the “Install right-click option” was causing the problem. This adds the following line to the notes.ini file
Once this line is removed Notes can be restarted although the Noteshound right click option will not be available.
The right-click option is installed by default
It does make you think that with so much change going on with the Notes clients at the moment that it must be a challenging time for ISVs who are integrating deeply into the Notes client as opposed to using standard Notes functionality