Just a quick heads up over something that has wasted the best part of a day between us and our customer – oh and IBM who do their IT.

You cannot use XPINC in 852 ( it is fixed in 853 ) if the ACL has Enforce Consistent ACL.

The technote is below – why developers have to log in to see these things is beyond me – who in your organisation has authority to see this ? ( that is a rhetorical question )

Image:Heads up : Cannot Use XPINC with Enforce Consistent ACL in 852

Error description

XPages viewed in the Notes client from a local replica gives an
error 500 you are not authorized for users that are not listed
explicitly in the ACL.  If they are a member of a group on the
server and pull the local replica with enforce consistent ACL
is when we see this issue

Local fix

– Add the user explicitly to the ACL on the server
– add a group to the local address book with this group in it
– upgrade to 8.5.3 client,  this issue does not occur in 8.5.3